
Digital Currency Market

Growing incredibly in popularity in recent years, cryptocurrencies have become the go-to investment option for many traders. With an ever-growing selection of cryptocurrencies added to the platform, plus a Crypto CopyPortfoliosTM offering balanced exposure and managed by Besttell Investment expert investment committee, Besttell Investment presents many options for those who wish to trade and invest in the crypto market. Besttell Investment offers a wide variety of cryptocurrencies for trading. Traders can build a diversified portfolio with all of the most popular coins.


Cryptocurrencies are seldom affected by policy changes or geopolitical instability – and we have seen markets treat it as a safe-haven because of this.


Cryptocurrencies are extremely active compared to traditional currencies. Prices can change remarkably within days or even hours. This creates a new frontier for trading


Each market has its own benefits and disadvantages, knowing when and in what combination these should be taken advantage of can optimise your trading strategy.


Equity markets continue to offer significant growth and income potential to long-term investors, enabling them to share in the performance of both developed and emerging economies. As leading active equity investors, we believe that fundamental company research drives performance.
We focus our global resources on gaining deep understanding of individual companies and the sectors they operate in, building high-conviction portfolios that give investors direct access to our best ideas. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations are core to our approach.
By actively engaging with companies on ESG issues and fully integrating these insights into our stock research and decision making, we aim to enhance investor returns and reduce risk.


Local presence – global insight Besttell Investment has a strong history of managing equity portfolios across multiple market cycles. We now manage more than £114.2bn/$150.4bn* in client equity mandates. We maintain a deep local presence across markets.
Our 129 equity investment professionals cover around 2000 stocks globally and conduct around 96 company meetings a year.* Insight is shared and rigorously peer-reviewed, within and across teams, so only those we consider the strongest investment opportunities are included in client portfolios.
Focus on client goals Our disciplined research-driven approach is applied to meet distinct client goals – from ‘high active’ portfolios aiming to deliver long-term outperformance, to income strategies targeting a premium yield, and values-based strategies designed to meet specific ethical, socially responsible and impact-investing goals.



Company strategy is constantly evolving as markets and environments change. Without a clear corporate vision, and excellent leadership to realise that vision, it’s almost impossible to generate long-term value. Our analysts spend time with the leadership team and also attend key shareholder meetings.


Corporate culture is essential to the long-term success of a business. We look for ambitious companies that do the right thing by their employees, customers and shareholders, fostering solid teamwork throughout the company

People & Diversity

Successful companies don’t limit themselves in the way they recruit and develop their people. We pay particular attention to how diverse and inclusive the working environment is, their approach to training and development, and to fair remuneration.

Looking After Customers

All businesses have a duty to act in the best interests of their customers. We believe that those who put their customers first are likely to deliver better longer-term results. This means creating quality products and services, while being transparent, having sound business practices and looking after their customers’ information securely.

Delivering for shareholders

Profit, and the creation of value for shareholders, is an outcome of delivering effectively for all other stakeholders – whether that’s customers, employees or suppliers.

Focus on “sophisticated simplicity”

We are demanding in terms of our performance, track record, and client satisfaction. We aim to make our work processes as simple and effective as possible which means clear communication and efficient decision-making structures. This is how we are able to develop our full performance potential.

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